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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station

Well, tonight I start the rehearsals with a church here in St. Louis, MO. They've been reheasing already...I just come to put all the last minute touches to it. Friday and Saturday night are Dinner Drama nights. We're using the play, Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station as the entertainment. It will be a fully plated sit down event and retreat to the sanctuary. If you haven't read about, Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station, it's a very user friendly script that can involve many children without stressing over the details and yet has a wonderful story line along with comedy, scripture and even a dowel rod song performed with ski-poles. Visit our site at to learn more.

I'll let you know how it goes. In the mean time enjoy your family as much as you can during this busy, busy Holiday.

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