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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Responses about Time...when the ticking is done

A pastor of the Sacramento church where we performed Time...when the ticking is done called Gaylen Cantrell and said the youth were so touched by the play that it would have such a lasting effect on their lives that it would last a long time. The pastor wasn't able to be at the play because of previous engagement, but has heard nothing but great reports and they are still coming in.

I'm just thankful that God blessed the play and that it could be such a wonderful tool to see many churches touched.

At one church in Ontario, CA., one of the ladies had been praying for her husband for 25 years. He gave his life to the Lord that night. It was life changing for me to see the husband and wife crying on each others shoulders.

The next night a pastor's son (A prodigal from God and wife) came to the play and repented. The next day he called his wife whom he had not talked to for 6 months and asked to restore their relationship.

I could tell you more, but you're getting the idea. If you want to do a play that's fun but moving, please let me know. A DVD of the play will be available on our website soon at

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