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Monday, January 21, 2008

Easter play Mind and Heart

You want a totally different kind of Easter play? Mind and Heart may be what you're looking for.
Mind and Heart
The story of the two men who were crucified with Jesus. As twin brothers, they grew up in Bethlehem and were both there the night that Jesus was born. Heart is changed from that moment on, but Mind seemed indifferent. This Biblical themed play tells the story of the human battle between your mind and heart. Both characters end up suspended between heaven and earth where they both must make their final decision. Cast: 50 or more, mainly male speaking parts.Running time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
Go to to order.


Anonymous said...

Do you have the "let the veil down" or "end of the beginning" videos on you tube where I could view them and decided which one to purchase?? reply to

Howi Tiller said...


Unfortunately, I do't have those on youtube. Both are very powerful and moving. Youth would love them. They are available on DVD on our website at

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty good Easter play to do. My personal favorite, however, would be The Answer. It sounds like a great play. I hear they are going to release it in 2010. Here's the link: The Answer Easter Play

Anonymous said...

Okay I made a mistake there -- it already is released since it is 2010.