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Monday, December 24, 2007

Two weeks to remember

The pace was almost too much, but we made it. It started November 29th when I flew to Chicago to spend 4 days (Thursday through Sunday) with a youth group in the Chicago area. Monday, I flew to St. Louis and started rehearsals with The Sanctuary (A church in the St. Louis area) for Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station. Did Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station three nights in a row (Thursday through Saturday) with a dinner and banquet. Then I did Close Friends on Sunday afternoon, then flew home lat Sunday night. SPent two days at home. Flew out at 6:00AM on Wednesday to Virginia to perform two back to back banquets in Norfolk and New Port News for Wednesday evening and Thursday evening. Friday morning I flew back to the St. Louis area and rehearsed some dowel rod songs with a church in the Belleville area on Friday and Saturday....then did Close Friends again on Sunday morning and ministered with drama ministry in the evening service. On Monday morning I rented a car and drove to Poplar Bluff for rehearsals to do Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station with the Cornerstone Church. On Wednesday night I drove to Doniphan, MO and performed John In Exile...(An hour and 20 minute monologue about John on the Island of Patmos). Returned back to Poplar Bluff for more rehearsals of Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station. Did Christmas Eve at Mountain Creek Train Station on Sunday morning and did Close Friends on Sunday evening with a banquet. Monday (Christmas Eve) , I finally flew home to be with family. I was never more ready to get home. Now I can relax...because the only thing I have to prepare for is my daughter's wedding which happens next year...JANUARY much for relaxing. Please...when does it stop?

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