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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

CODE Indiana

CODE Indiana was a huge success as drama clinicians and students came from Michigan, Illinois, Mississippi, Indiana, Tennessee, Iowa, Nebraska and Texas. Regional drama teams performed Thursday and Friday night. Both night ended with a wonderful visitation fo the Lord. Friday was extra special as the Holy Spirit hovered over the audience. Each drama piece seemed to just invite the audience further into worship as teams ministered through sign language, song interpretation, monologue and dowel rods. By the time one of the teams ministered in a song called, "Let the Veil Down", by Judy Jacobs and another followed with Holy, Holy, Holy the audience rose to their feet and we never looked back. The rest of the evening went on hold as the young people just flooded the altars in praise and worship. What a beautiful sight. The teams that didn't get to ministry on Friday evening performed Saturday morning as the grand finale.
Watch for a DVD to available soon. You'll be able to buy at in a few days. One of the songs that is very popular, "I Want It All Back was performed on Saturday will not want to miss it. Extra special!!!

Next up CODE Odessa, TX.

1 comment:

Upcgal92 said...

I was at the code Indiana this year let me say i am not the same person my eyes are more open to the ministry. I am from Illinois and when we do our songs now it is more annointed now than before cause we r more focoused on what the ministry is about it is an outreach not entertainment. It is about Praising god and winning souls....It is not about us anymore it is about god and what he wants to do in our life. i cannot wait until the next code!!!!!