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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Close Friends

Just finished Close Friends in Bloomington, IN for a dinner theater event. Over 200 hundred guests were hosted by Howi as he performed his signature script, Close Friends. This play has quietly become a classic play for dinner drama or Friend Day. I've probably performed the piece about 50 times through the last 5 years across the U.S. If you want an impacting weekend with powerful drama, please give us a call to schedule a drama weekend at your church or organization. This script truly is a fun play to'll laugh one minute and cry the next. To schedule us to come email us at

IBC Music fest 2009

Flew in from Indy last night. I taught at an annual music festival in Indy...6 classes in three days and performed in the night concerts. Wednesday night I perfomed, "Someday Came Today". If you haven't performed this piece really are missing out on a great script for sermon set-up. You can read more about te script at Friday night we did a sign interpretive movement song called, Let the Veil Down. You can order the DVD with that song on it at

California Spring tour - I Stand Alone

Just finished a two tour in the state of CA. Traveled with a play called, "I Stand Alone". I played know before he became Paul. We had great response and altar calls. AN atheist came to the play in Exeter. She was a guest of one of the saints there and the atheist was so moved by the play that she was born again that night. If you are interested in the was written by Terry Vik and you can visit his site at